Hello World
“Hello World” is a C program written by Dennis Ritchie(The Inventor of C programming Language) in his book The C Programming Language to showcase the capabilities of the C language to print a string “Hello World”. In this blog we will tweak this famous program a bit and display “Hello World” message on a 20x4 LCD display.
The IO Problem with MCUs!!!
As explained in keypad article, each new input or output addition to MCU requires usage of an IO pin. If we need to display numbers 0 to 9 then we need to interface a seven segment display! including the dot LED, we need a total of 8 IO pins to control a single digit display from MCU. imagine if we need to display a sentence as output in our application. That would require more than 300 IO pins from MCU. This is not a feasible design as MCU’s will have very few IO pins.
HD44780 based LCD display
This is where HD44780 based character displays come to the rescue. They have a built in LCD controller which can control a variaty of LCD configurations as listed below. Datasheet for HD44780 controller is availble online here.
- 16x1
- 16x2
- 20x4
LCD interface pins
HD44870 LCD controller based displays have 16 IO pins as listed below.
SLNO | LCD | Meaning | Connection |
1 | VSS | Ground pin | GND |
2 | VDD | Supply pin | VCC |
3 | VEE | Contrast set pin | 0.18V |
4 | RS | Register select pin | HIGH/LOW based on need. |
5 | R/W | Read/Write pin | GND |
6 | E | Execute pin | /Execute control line |
7 | D0 | LSB data pin | Parallel data D0 pin LSB |
8 | D1 | data pin | Data D1 pin |
9 | D2 | data pin | Data D2 pin |
10 | D3 | data pin | Data D3 pin |
11 | D4 | data pin | Data D4 pin |
12 | D5 | data pin | Data D5 pin |
13 | D6 | data pin | Data D6 pin |
14 | D7 | MSB data pin | Parallel data D7 pin MSB |
15 | LED+ | data pin | 4.3V |
16 | LED- | MSB data pin | GND |
HD44780 Interface v1: 8-bit mode.
Pin configurations for 8-bit LCD iunterfacing to atmega328p is shown below.
SLNO | LCD | Nano | 328p | Meaning | Connection |
1 | VSS | VSS | - | Ground pin | GND |
2 | VDD | VDD | - | Supply pin | VCC |
3 | VEE | - | - | Contrast set pin | 0.18V |
4 | RS | D8 | PB0 | Register select pin | HIGH/LOW based on need. |
5 | R/W | GND | - | Read/Write pin | GND |
6 | E | D9 | PB1 | Execute pin | /Execute control line |
7 | D0 | D0 | PD0 | LSB data pin | Parallel data D0 pin LSB |
8 | D1 | D1 | PD1 | data pin | Data D1 pin |
9 | D2 | D2 | PD2 | data pin | Data D2 pin |
10 | D3 | D3 | PD3 | data pin | Data D3 pin |
11 | D4 | D4 | PD4 | data pin | Data D4 pin |
12 | D5 | D5 | PD5 | data pin | Data D5 pin |
13 | D6 | D6 | PD6 | data pin | Data D6 pin |
14 | D7 | D7 | PD7 | MSB data pin | Parallel data D7 pin MSB |
15 | LED+ | - | - | data pin | 4.3V |
16 | LED- | - | - | MSB data pin | GND |
HD44780 Interface v2: 4-bit mode.
Pin configurations for 4-bit LCD iunterfacing to atmega328p is shown below.
SLNO | LCD | Nano | 328p | Meaning | Connection |
1 | VSS | VSS | - | Ground pin | GND |
2 | VDD | VDD | - | Supply pin | VCC |
3 | VEE | - | - | Contrast set pin | 0.18V |
4 | RS | D8 | PB0 | Register select pin | HIGH/LOW based on need. |
5 | R/W | GND | - | Read/Write pin | GND |
6 | E | D9 | PB1 | Execute pin | /Execute control line |
7 | D4 | D4 | PD4 | data pin | Nibble data D4 pin LSB |
8 | D5 | D5 | PD5 | data pin | Data D5 pin |
9 | D6 | D6 | PD6 | data pin | Data D6 pin |
10 | D7 | D7 | PD7 | MSB data pin | Nibble data D7 pin MSB |
11 | LED+ | - | - | data pin | 4.3V |
12 | LED- | - | - | MSB data pin | GND |
HD44780 I2C Interface v3: 4-bit mode.
Pin configurations for I2C 4-bit LCD iunterfacing to atmega328p is shown below.
SLNO | LCD | Nano | 328p | Meaning | Connection |
1 | SCL | A5 | - | I2C clock pin | SCL |
2 | SDA | A4 | - | I2C data pin | SDA |
The above schematic is derived from referring to multiple online sources related to PCF8574 I2C LCD modules.
Famous word’s from Linus Torvalds, the father of Linux operating system, comes to my mind.
“Talk is Cheap, Show me the code!” – Linus Torvalds
Let’s evaluate how the code can be constructed to decode the key pressed in matrix configuration. Row’s and column’s of 4x4 matrix keypad is connected to MCU as per below list.
MCU port –> Keypad connections
- Row_0 –> D0 –> PD0
- Row_1 –> D1 –> PD1
- Row_2 –> D2 –> PD2
- Row_3 –> D3 –> PD3
- Col_3 –> D4 –> PD4
- Col_2 –> D5 –> PD5
- Col_1 –> D6 –> PD6
- Col_0 –> D7 –> PD7
We are using port D of atmega328p microcontroller for our interfacing of 4x4 keypad. Lower 4 bits(PD0-PD3) are used for Row connections and Upper 4 bits(PD4-PD7) are used for Column connections of keypad. This particular connection scheme makes the SW design a bit easier :)
Software design
We will be using bitwise operators to scan the keypad and decode the key pressed in keypad.
#define ROW_COUNT (4)
#define COL_COUNT (4)
#define ROW_PORT (PORTD)
#define COL_PORT (PORTD)
#define ROW_MASK (0b00000001)
#define COL_MASK (0b10000000)
#define NO_KEY_PRESSED (255)
uint8 key_scan(void)
uint8 col_mask = COL_MASK;
uint8 row_mask;
uint8 key_pressed = 0;
for(row_counter = 0; row_counter < ROW_COUNT; row_counter++)
row_mask = ROW_MASK;
for(col_counter = 0; col_counter < COL_COUNT; col_counter++)
ROW_PORT = row_mask;
if(COL_PORT & col_mask)
return (key_pressed);
col_mask = col_mask >> 1;
row_mask = row_mask << 1;
return (NO_KEY_PRESSED);
Switch Debouncing
Switch is a mechanical device and when a switch is pressed the switch plate gets closed. The switch closure doesnt produce a step response as we expect in an ideal switch. There are some spikes which are produces whenever a key is pressed or released. These spikes needs to filtered(debounced) to get proper key readings. key_scan() function can be called once in a ms and a debounce of 10 to 20 times counts can be done to rule out errors due to mechanical debounce.
Build images
Closing notes
!!!Happy tinkering!!! :D